
Happy Tuesday, my Henry! Are you ready to get back to school? We have some fun things planned for today. I’m excited!

So, you were asking about where our water comes from. Today we will research this together. I found some neat websites as I was researching a good way to teach you about water and aquifers. I’ll share some of this with you today, even if it is off topic. The history of the gulf coast is very interesting and it’s time we started to delve more into HISTORY. Remember? We talked about this…

I’m not going to ask you to do formal school work until tomorrow because of the work you’ve been doing the last few days. Tomorrow we will jump back into your Alpha Omega packets. Today we are going to do a lot of reading together and I have some subjects to review with you.

It’s going to be a good day. 🙂

You can start off by practicing your piano music.

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