
Good morning, BoodyBop!

Here is my plan for today. Let’s see how we do!

317Just kidding, it’s all written on your board in your classroom/playroom.

Add to that –

Piano Practice!

PE – Mama’s gonna run today. You want to join me, my little cross country track star?

I think I might just read another 50 pages of The Magician’s Nephew with you tonight. What a great book and a great series to get started with you. Did you enjoy it as much as I did?

Annnnndddd… One more thing– I think we should watch that OTTER show again! Oh, how I love science and baby otters! We should hit Grand Daddy up for a baby otter this Christmas, what do ya say?




No, no, no, no, noooo… Not what does the fox say! 😉

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