
You met your new doctor today!

Math – Continuing with number words and review patterns

Language Arts – Finish reading George Washington’s Breakfast and answer questions in reading notebook, Spelling activity with CODES, Vowel Digraphs – “AY – EY – UE – UY”

Piano practice

Gymnastics class

10/24 – 10/25

10/24 –

Math – Number Words, “Plus -Minus -Equals”

Language Arts – Grammar – VERBS!

Reading – The Tale of Jolly Robin


10/25 –

Reading – The Tale of Jolly Robin, Basketball -Reading comprehension and following directions

Math – Number words, “Not Equal To”

Journal entry on 10/26 🙂


Royal Rangers Tonight!

Warm-Ups – 4 worksheets & Journaling

Handwriting/Copywriting – Psalm 139

Reading – George Washington’s Breakfast and This America – Answer questions in reading notebook

Art – Continued from yesterday – Shel Silverstein Poem Picture

Piano practice

PE – Nature Walk, stretching and rest from yesterday’s run, playing at Royal Rangers

AO Math – Pgs 4, 5, 6, 7

AO Language Arts – Pgs 9, 10, 11, 12



Good morning, BoodyBop!

Here is my plan for today. Let’s see how we do!

317Just kidding, it’s all written on your board in your classroom/playroom.

Add to that –

Piano Practice!

PE – Mama’s gonna run today. You want to join me, my little cross country track star?

I think I might just read another 50 pages of The Magician’s Nephew with you tonight. What a great book and a great series to get started with you. Did you enjoy it as much as I did?

Annnnndddd… One more thing– I think we should watch that OTTER show again! Oh, how I love science and baby otters! We should hit Grand Daddy up for a baby otter this Christmas, what do ya say?




No, no, no, no, noooo… Not what does the fox say! 😉


Your first GYMNASTICS class was today! Such fun!!!

This morning, you reviewed then took your spelling test over all 36 words from Language Arts Unit 1.    You aced it, kiddo. Good work!

Next, you reviewed then took the Language Arts Unit 1 Lifepac Test. You did very well on this test as well. Way to go! Tomorrow you will start on Unit 2!

After lunch, you practiced piano and then you worked on handwriting and we had a little Bible study. We read Psalm 139 together, talked about it a while, then you wrote some of it out in your own beautiful handwriting. Tomorrow we are going to work on your handwriting some. Granny has offered to help teach you how to print nicely. Your Granny has the most beautiful handwriting I’ve ever seen. No one I know is more qualified to teach you this very important skill. Plus, it’s just another way you can spend time together! 🙂

Your reading for today was a poem about George Washington, a poem about a quarrel, (Do you remember what a quarrel is?) and a short story called, “Be Nice to Josephine” from a book I read as a child. You answered a few reading comprehension questions, then enjoyed some well deserved free time!

Your first gymnastics class was a hit!  You’re a natural!

It was a great Monday! I’m looking forward to an action-packed, super fun week!!!


Hey Kiddo – I’m catching up on writing this to your blog.

*On Tuesday, October 15th, you memorized the song about chocolate cake, so we got to bake a chocolate cake together! You did all the measuring and mixing! You followed the instructions and we had a wonderful treat! You worked hard on that song. I am really proud of you for sticking with it and getting the timing just right!

On Wednesday, October 16th, we worked together to finish up your Alpha Omega Unit 2 packet in Math. We did pages 23, 24, 31, & 34 together. You also did pages 4 and 5, the Self Test on page 6, pages 7 and page 10. I let you stop halfway through page 10. You did a great job! We learned about estimating and actual measurements. We had a great time experimenting! I think your little brother enjoyed it, too!

We started an art project about your body, tracing your body and coloring it in. The weather was rainy, so we did a lot of coloring and also played with play-doh. In your journal, you drew a picture of the solar system. We have been talking about and watching videos about space lately. It’s fascinating stuff to you and I love how many questions you have!

You had Royal Rangers on Wednesday where you talked about money and how you are provided for by your parents and by God. Your new Royal Rangers handbook should be here within 2 weeks. I also ordered you a new t-shirt and a Royal Rangers hat.

On Thursday, October 17th, we started the day with a nature walk in the beautiful fall weather! We picked up lots of leaves, flowers, and even a weed or two. You and your brother had such a great time exploring! We saw not just one, but two HAWKS! They flew over us the entire time and even swooped down low enough that we could really see them up close! What a neat experience that was!

Then, you finished up Unit 2 in Math by completing the Lifepac Test over the unit. You answered every problem correctly! Way to go!

You read 3 chapters in The Tale of Jolly Robin and I read some with you after that. We discovered that The White Giant was actually a snowman! I wanted you to journal about it, but we never did get to that. ;/  That’s ok, though… Very good reading!

I took you to Basel’s and signed you up for a gymnastics class on Mondays at 4:15. You are going to learn the basics of gymnastics at the best school in the area! I’m thrilled that you get to do this, because I know how much you have wanted it!

You had your fifth piano lesson with Ms. Sandy. She is very proud of the work you are doing! And I am very proud, too!

On Friday, October 18th, we reviewed all the pages in the Language Arts packet. You did your Spelling Review on page 70 and 71, then the Self Test on pages 72-73. We did a practice spelling test together on 66 and discovered that you needed a little more time with the words before the final test.  I made a Spelling notebook to send with you to your dad’s house, so you could practice with him over the weekend and take your test on Monday. We worked on the Unit Review on page 74-77.

You had free reading time for about 20 minutes. I think it’s so cool that you love to read.

At your request, we found a cool science experiment to do. We learned about how salt in water makes an egg float because it changes the density of the water!

I needed to make a special banana pudding for a party at Pastor Hogan’s house, and you helped me to make it! In fact, I think you did more of the work than I did! And it was YUMMY! You measured everything just right and mixed all the ingredients. You made the best banana pudding I’ve ever had! We got so many compliments. I was sure to tell everyone that YOU made it with me!

You played on the Melissa and Doug baseball field and taught Benny how to get a home run! We played with blocks and made castles and houses and backyards and monsters. You finished up coloring on your body project and added details like “Heart, Brain, Belly” all on your own! We also listened to music and danced, danced, danced… We played outside a little– You thought of the idea to make a sign for the birds to read, “Free Bird Seed” and immediately afterward, the ducks came into our yard to eat the seeds off the ground! It was so cute!

All in all, it was a busy and productive week. You make me very, very proud, as always.

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Happy Tuesday, my Henry! Are you ready to get back to school? We have some fun things planned for today. I’m excited!

So, you were asking about where our water comes from. Today we will research this together. I found some neat websites as I was researching a good way to teach you about water and aquifers. I’ll share some of this with you today, even if it is off topic. The history of the gulf coast is very interesting and it’s time we started to delve more into HISTORY. Remember? We talked about this…

I’m not going to ask you to do formal school work until tomorrow because of the work you’ve been doing the last few days. Tomorrow we will jump back into your Alpha Omega packets. Today we are going to do a lot of reading together and I have some subjects to review with you.

It’s going to be a good day. 🙂

You can start off by practicing your piano music.

10/13, 10/14, 10/15



Happy Friday!!!

Good morning, Henry!  You have so much to look forward to today, sweetheart!

Let’s get through our school work and piano practice so we can get down to the business of FUN.

Warm-ups are waiting for you in your warm-up notebook.

Next, Reading

Read two chapters of The Tale of Jolly Robin starting with chapter 10.

Discuss what you read.

Open your reading notebook. Let’s talk about the characters you’ve met so far. Write down the names of the characters you remember. Who is your favorite? Why?

Do you know what is going to happen next??? I think I do! Can’t wait to see what happens next week!


We need to finish up in your Alpha Omega packet. We will work together on this.



Good work today, Hen. 

Math – pages 23, 32, 33 – 23 is tough work!

Language Arts – pages 54 & 56 new spelling words, page 65 middle consonant sounds, pages 67-68 noun review

You had a great piano lesson today. 

I had a great day with you today. You are an awesome helper. We’re going to have a FUN weekend!!!Â